Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011


kucing gue buat nuri,kado ulangthn gue buat tata,buku pelajaran gue buat girsang,baju gue buat putty,tas2 gue buat lo,sepatu2 buat icus
sayang gue buat japir
dikuburin dpn rmh

20 01 11

 I love you so much. and now I need you so closer...

.........................abaikan foto yang diatas(-_-)
itu padahal fotonya udah lumayan lama...

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011


HELLO I'M SO SORRY I rarely post. Well,


I hope we'll be better than last year. And can forget the past that so creepyX_X.

hem I want to tell a little story about my favorite things now. I like all about Harry Potter, I don't know why. gue juga ngomongnya jadi sok british gitu-_-. HAWRRY POWTAAAAH a very good pronunciation mihihi.

well, tomorrow isssss SCHOOL ewh I don't like school, because so many hardworks, tests. but sometimes I miss the school because my friends. my friends always makes me happy and laughing out loud HAHAHA. oya! one more, I hate school is I hate on of the teacher in my school. I can't write his form. I wanna leave quickly from that school. I'm bored with religion lessons. I think I already enough with religion lessons. ok, forget it.

I want to tell about my love story. I already 11 months with Anggaraksa Adwitiya Arrazy. well, lately we often fighting. there must be something more, if we know what we're fighting for?breathe in breathe out*singing*-_-. so many problems Y we often fighting, almost everyday. but we can stop our fighting. I know it's weird-_- but I really reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love him. seem, he is my first love. but I don't know hehehe. honestly, I don't want to leave him. but, if he flirts girl that's not me or he has a big lie, I wanna break up. also him. okkkkk forget it-_-

well well well once again happy new year all!!!!!!!!!!!!!