HELLO I'M SO SORRY I rarely post. Well,
I hope we'll be better than last year. And can forget the past that so creepyX_X.
hem I want to tell a little story about my favorite things now. I like all about Harry Potter, I don't know why. gue juga ngomongnya jadi sok british gitu-_-. HAWRRY POWTAAAAH a very good pronunciation mihihi.
well, tomorrow isssss SCHOOL ewh I don't like school, because so many hardworks, tests. but sometimes I miss the school because my friends. my friends always makes me happy and laughing out loud HAHAHA. oya! one more, I hate school is I hate on of the teacher in my school. I can't write his form. I wanna leave quickly from that school. I'm bored with religion lessons. I think I already enough with religion lessons. ok, forget it.
I want to tell about my love story. I already 11 months with Anggaraksa Adwitiya Arrazy. well, lately we often fighting. there must be something more, if we know what we're fighting for?breathe in breathe out*singing*-_-. so many problems Y we often fighting, almost everyday. but we can stop our fighting. I know it's weird-_- but I really reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love him. seem, he is my first love. but I don't know hehehe. honestly, I don't want to leave him. but, if he flirts girl that's not me or he has a big lie, I wanna break up. also him. okkkkk forget it-_-
well well well once again
happy new year all!!!!!!!!!!!!!